
Friday, August 12, 2005

Some People

I am so tired of some people at work. Mainly of one particular person. So this picture is my face right now. Now let me give you an idea of what is going on, and see if you don't think I have a reason to be angry. There is one person at work that I've always suspected steals orders from sales people including me, by that I mean gets a phone call from a customer who says they want to place an order for an instrument and they had been working with so and so but that person is currently unavailable. Now the right thing to do is to set up the order and put it in the other sales person's name that the customer has been working with. This is because we get paid on commission, so if you don't do that that is in a sense taking money away from the other sales person and putting it in your own pocket. Now this one particular sales person has always been suspected of putting orders in his own name even when a customer mentions they were working with someone else, but we have never had any real hard evidence. That is until now. Yesterday I had a customer that had I dealt with previously on several occasions on saxophones finally decide he wanted to set up his order. Well he had called when I was not in the office, and customer service sent me an e-mail saying he had requested specifically to talk to me and place his order (I still have the e-mail, evidence you know), and he also left me a voice mail asking for me. When I got back from lunch I gave him a call, but he said he went ahead and set up the order with this other guy. He said he asked specifically for me, but that I was unavailable, so went ahead and placed the order with him. I clarified with the customer that he mentioned to the guy he placed the order with that he did ask for me, and he said yes. After hanging up with the customer I look up his now placed order, hmmm to know surprise it was not in my name, but in the other sales rep's name. Boy did my blood bubble. I immediately went to my brass team supervisor and explained everything to him, and he agreed that he thought it should be in my name, but that before he changed it he should take it to the other "powers to be" and make sure they agreed too. It still has not yet been changed. If it does not get changed I am seriously going to be hacked off. Not only should it be changed, but this sales rep should be confronted about it by a supervisor and written up or something in my opinion because that is in all get out stealing! Stealing is stealing. Other people here have been fired for that before. He's always been suspected of it before and they know it. Now here is the proof! They know it's why his sales are so high. So there it is. What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your grump face you drew! Impressive ((^_^)).
I know how ya feel.... Hope all turns out well for you!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Rebecca Jane said...

I'm with you on that one - that's pretty low. Totally should get a confrontation from the "powers that be" - I would be royally ticked as well.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

yes, and what made me mad was that it didn't get changed to my order, so he got away with it.....grrrrr

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should have his head bashed in with whatever that guy ordered. I hate people like that, I hate retail and sales and management. I just wish I could be left alone at my job.


6:40 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

LOL . . . ummmm bad day at work there Steve. I know you hate your job though too. I'm sorry. :(

6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you know I hate my job with a incredible burning passion that rivals the SUN!!!! But I still say lets bash him :)

5:57 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

LOL . . well bashing can be a way to relieve that anger and tension I suppose!

6:50 PM  

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