
Monday, October 10, 2005


So I have an interview with a store called BuyCo. Well I'm supposed to anyways. Tomorrow morning I'm supposed to call them to set up the actual time for it. It's just for a part time spot for in the evenings and some weekends. I could use some extra hours and extra cash outside of my full time job. BuyCo is this cool place though. They sell all used DVD's, video games, and CD's. Even like used game consoles though, and even like stereo and DVD or VCR players and stuff like that. The cool thing is that they will even get in the vintage stuff like Atari games and equipment or even the old original Nintendo stuff. I pick up a lot of stuff from there though, especially DVD's so when I had stopped in there this past weekend I saw they were looking for full and part time help so, I figured hey why not! :o) We'll see what happens though.

I was also very excited today because I heard from a very long lost friend of mine. She was my Intervarsity Christian Fellowship leader in College. I have not seen or heard from her in ummmmm . . . . probably about 5 0r 6 years. I had to do a little detective work of my own to try and get in touch with her, but it worked! Today I got an e-mail from her, and it was very exciting. I am hoping that we can keep in touch, and perhaps get together some time.

Thats my excitement for the day. The rest of the day was filled with work, work, work, and more work as usual. Oh! I almost forgot though! This week's scripture ready is Luke chapter 5. I encourage you all to read it as I always do. In this reading you will see the awesome and amazing powers of Jesus. I mean how many of us always heard the storys in Sunday School and even in sermons today of Jesus healing the sick, the blind, and feeding the hungry. I think we've all heard so much that sometimes we just let it go in one ear and out the other without letting it really sink in. Read Luke 5, and really let the stories in the chapter sink in, and see how awesome Jesus really is. His wondrous works, and powers. He can do so much for us, and all we have to do is ask. How cool is that? Again, use the link at the left to check it out, or grab your own Bibles. Take a look. Take care all!


Blogger Scott said...

Cool! So did you get the interview? That'd be sweet because you'd get first dibs on anything that comes in! And you could help your brother get dibs on stuff too! ;)

1:03 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I do have an interview for tomorrow (Thurs.) @ 5:30p.m. We'll see what happens. I know it would be cool to have first dibbs, and maybe like an additional employee discount. I suppose maybe I could hook my brother up. If he's good.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Your brother's always good... ;)

8:30 AM  

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