
Sunday, October 09, 2005

Wallace & Gromit

Yesterday Susan and I took her daughter Emily to see the new Wallace & Gromit movie. It was awesome! I think I was more excited to see it then they were. LOL I remember when the 3 of us went and saw Madagascar and we first saw the preview for it cause I got so excited. Wallace and Gromit totally rock. It's claymation. The same people who did that Chicken Run movie, but this is about 100x's better. It was so funny in the theater too because I think I heard more adults laughing then the kids, but there were spots where the kids were laughing too. I just think the adults catch more things then the kids do, but that would make sense. Anyways, I highly recommend the movie to everyone. :o)

Today, I got stuck working. I always said I would never work a Sunday because Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest. You go to church, and spend time with family or friends. However I owed one of my co-workers a day on a weekend when he worked for me the Saturday I went to the Notre Dame game cause I had gotten scheduled for that Saturday, and there was no way I was working when I had tickets to a Notre Dame game. Unfortunately Jack usually gets scheduled on Sundays on the weekends, so I'm working for him today so that we are even. Plus he had a wedding to go to. Oh well, I guess this one time will be okay. Sides it's completely dead. Can't make any sales with the few calls I have had either cause our complete system is down for ordering, and our website. We just have to answer the phones right now and tell them to basically call back. It's kinda pointless really. Oh well. Hey, maybe they'll just send us home. Yeah, right, in my dreams.

Well I hope everyone else has had a good weekend, and have a good week! Oh, and I should have the weekly scripture to post later. So check back.


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