
Monday, October 17, 2005

Traumatic Weekend

It was a very traumatic weekend. Well for Notre Dame fans anyways. I can say that this game against USC sure lived up to all the hipe and publicity it got though. It had the highest view rating for a football game on NBC in over a decade! The South Bend airport was one of the busiest airports in the nation just a couple of hours before game time with an airplane coming in every couple of minutes. Of course they were all private jets coming for the game. The airport ran out of room to park them all! I watched out the window at work, at the interstate, and you wouldn't believe the traffic and the number of limos and buses I saw coming to the game. There were so many celebrities at that game!

The game was great anyways. An on-the-edge-of-your-seat, and nail biting game the whole way. We were either tied or ahead of USC the whole game. In the last few minutes of the game we were ahead of USC, but then they scored, and tied us. We had 5 minutes left to get another touchdown and gain back the lead. We did it. It gave USC only 2 minutes left in the game to try and win. If they scored a touchdown they would win by 3 points. Thats how close the game was. Unfortunately we let USC get all the way down by our endzone within the last few seconds. Only a few more seconds left. Notre Dame fans were biting their nails, hoping the clock would run out, and they wouldn't be able to score in time, or make their play. USC, goes for it, but they fumble! Time runs out! We win!!!! Notre Dame fans and students start rushing the field, but wait! The stupid refs, say that when USC fumbled the ball it went out of bounds right before the clock ran out of time, and they give USC back 7 more seconds!! What a bunch of crap! USC makes another play. They get their touchdown this time. USC wins by 3 points, but not without a penalty call for unsportmans like conduct. Because someone pushed the player with the ball over the goal line because he actually didn't make it all the way in at first. Doesn't matter that call doesn't take away their touchdown. Notre Dame fans are just taken aback, and can't believe it. We had the game won, and it was taken away from us. No one can't say that our team sure didn't fight though. USC knows we were there to win, and we would have if it wasn't for some bogus calls at the end. This game will go down in the record books.


Blogger Rebecca Jane said...

I'm about to sound almost sacreligions I fear, but I have never been too big a fan of football, however, hopefully you'll recover from this trauma okay!

7:58 AM  
Blogger Rebecca Jane said...

(I meant sacreligious)

7:58 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

*sighs* well I won't hold it against you. My friend Laurie isn't into football either and I talk to her about all the games all the time. LOL

2:57 PM  

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