
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Car is on the Road!!!!!

My new car is finally on the road!!! I am so excited. I finally got to drive it today. It was soooooooooooooo sweet!! I've never had a car so new, and that drives so smoothe!! It even still has that new car smell to it even though it is a 2004. I think that is just because it really has not been driven all that much since it used to be a rental car. Plus it is just so clean on the inside! Last night I got my insurance changed and moved over to this car. That was not fun since my rates went up for two reasons; one, it's a new car and then two, I got better coverage on it. Today I am getting off work early so that I can go over the the License branch and changer over my plates. That will be fun.

I was so hacked off this morning though. I went to physical therapy before work. I was only in there for like an hour or little longer. I came out, and some idiot banged their door against mine!! I'm like my first day driving my new car, and already some stupid person bangs their car door against mine!!. It didn't put a dent in it, but it did take off a tiny chip of paint. I was sooo mad. I'll have to try and touch that up. I mean it's not like I was parked close to one of the lines or anything like that either. I was perfectly in the middle. Oh well. It is still a sharp looking car. I will take pictures of it later and post them on the site when I have a chance.

That is my big exciting news that I wanted to share with everyone, so I will let you all get back to whatever you were doing. :o)


Blogger Rebecca Jane said...

Exciting that you got your new car going!!!

Not so exciting about that guy dinging your car.

I'll send you an email sooN!

4:49 PM  

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