
Sunday, January 22, 2006

New Pastor

I am very excited to report that our church has found a new pastor. As you may remember our pastor retired back in September and our church has since been taking the necessary steps to find the right candidate to be our new pastor. Three Sundays ago Rev. Kevin Brintnall and his wife, Karen came up from Florida to preach at our church and to fellowship with the congregation at a potluck afterwards so that we could have a chance to get to know him and his wife. This way we could get a feel for if he would be right for our church. Then last Sunday we did a congregational vote as to if we wanted to call him to be our new pastor. Well I am happy to report that it was a unanimous vote for yes. Rev. Brintnall was then notified that we did want him to be our new pastor. Today at church we found that he accepted our call, and will be making the move up here to Indiana to be with us about the middle of March. This is of course because he needs to give his current church in Florida sufficient notice. I think Rev. Brintnall and his wife will be a very nice match for the church as I think he will bring some change, but not a whole lot real fast, and not any more then what is desired by our congregation. Also his wife Karen seems like she very involved at their current church and previous churches or positions, and it will be great to have her involved her as well since Nancy, our previous pastor's wife was so involved and close to the church. It will be very exciting, and I look forward to seeing what all happens in the church with our new pastor, Rev. Kevin Brintnall.


Blogger Rebecca Jane said...

It's great to hear that you have a new Pastor, that's always a new and exciting time for a church! I'll be praying!

5:00 PM  

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