
Friday, October 21, 2005


Well today I am bummed because I found out that I did not get the part time job that I applied for at BuyCo. It wasn't that big of a deal. Just an extra little job that I could pick up some hours and extra cash at. The big bummer is that I'll lose out on the sweet employee discount and benefits that you get there. Apparently I had all the excellent qualifications and background that they were interested in, and perfect for the job, but my full time job schedule just didn't work out real well for the hours they needed. Well if I'm lucky they will still need me in the future, and realize how awesome I really am, and call me back. LOL Anyways that made it a bit of a bummer of a day, but life will go on.

Tonight I'm going to practice with our organ/piano person at church. Going to play through some things on my new flugelhorn just to see how they sound. Maybe we'll find something we want to play in church here in the near future. I'm just excited to see how the flugel sounds in the sanctuary, since I haven't really gotten to hear it in that type of setting yet.

After that I'm going to go over to Verizon and look at new cell phones. I think my phone is on it's last leg. I never hear it ring any more, and then all of a sudden I look at my phone and I've got missed calls and voicemails. Plus the colored screen has some bad pixels or something because I've got this purple streak in the bottom left hand corner that is always there. Also it doesn't seem like the battery lasts all that long.

Tomorrow I'm working again. Going to have to watch the first half of the Notre Dame game on a silent little b/w portable TV at work again till I can get home and watch the rest. I get to watch Notre Dame beat the snot out of BYU :o) That will make things all better again. Make sure you all tune in as well! Otherwise I hope you all have a good weekend whatever you are doing.


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