Well all in all I had a really nice Thanksgiving yesterday. I got to sleep in, which is always a good thing. Didn't have to work, and that is even better. Plus I got to cook and eat lots of yummy food. It was just my parents, brother, and I for Thanksgiving at my parents house, but that was okay. It made it nice and relaxing. We didn't have a set schedule or time that we had to eat or do things, and we didn't have to get really dressed up. There is a ton of leftover food, which I happily packed for lunch to bring with me to work today. It was the first Thanksgiving where I cooked almost the entire meal, except for the turkey. Dad is always in charge of the turkey. I did, however, make the cranberries, stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn bread, desert, and even an appetizer. :o) It was all a success, well, except for maybe the corn bread. That wasn't the greatest. It wasn't bad, but not great. So that was our Thanksgiving meal. :o)
We had fun too yesterday with my brother's new little kitty, Dyson. He is so cute, and loves to cuddle. Scott brought him over because he had just gotten him the day before, and didn't want to leave him home all alone all day already, plus I think he wanted to show him off too. He is one talkative, noisy little guy though too. Any time he is on the move, and not being held, he is making noise. It's pretty funny.
This morning mom and I got up to hit as many sales as we could before I had to come in to work at 11:00a.m. We weren't quite as crazy as some people getting up and waiting in line for the stores opening up at 5:00a.m., but we were at the stores by a little after 7:00a.m. Kohls was the first place we hit, and we did quite well there, and got a lot done. Then we braved the mall for a while, and hit a few more stores before I headed in to work. Now I have almost all my Christmas shopping done. I think I have just only like a few other things to get, and that is it! It's nice to have it all done early, and to have been able to get such great bargains on it all, but now I have a month to have to wait tile I can give it all to people. Thats the downer side of it. I get so excited, and want to give it to people right away that it is hard to wait.
Well I guess it's back off to work to go. I'm stuck here tile 8:00p.m. tonight since I switched hours with Tom here, so that I could come in late in order to shop this morning. Oh well. I guess that is the price to pay. Well I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!